Bogtor Todt

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Stream Emote
Bogtortodt telegram.png
"Bogtor Todt"
Introduced: 2019
Retired: N/A
Shortcut: YLSbogtor (FFZ)
Source: Your Level Sucks meme

Bogtor Todt (originally written as just bogtor todt) is the name of a level Draco encountered in the first season of Your Level Sucks. He remarked that the level sounded "like an idiot trying to order tater tots". The level itself wasn't anything special and made it into the final cut of the show simply because of its bizarre name. The name became a low key meme within the Gatorbox community to such a degree that long after Miiverse functionality was removed from Super Mario Maker, and thus no one could leave nasty comments, Draco went against his usual level code censorship to dig up the actual level code for Bogtor Todt and posted it in the Gatorbox Discord for fans to look up and play for themselves.

Fans have tried to figure out what the name of the stage means but it doesn't appear to be written in a language that anyone understands. Attempts to translate it via Google have resulted in nothing meaning if it is in another language it might be spelled wrong. One thing that was noticed by looking at the player profile of the person who submitted it was that most of their stages ended with the word "todt". No correlation could be found as to why they were all named that, though.

Bogtor Todt found its place as a meme within Gatorbox as a way of reacting to gibberish or things written in a language other than English that isn't easily understandable. The emoticon that was made for it, which features tater tots as part of the original joke, is commonly posted in chat whenever foreign levels are played.

During "Your Marathon Sucks", which was a fundraising effort to crowdfund a Nintendo Switch and a copy of Super Mario Maker 2, Draco sold "flat packs" of show memorabilia. Among the items in the flat packs were laminated recipe sheets for "Nessie's Famous Chili Cheese Bogtor Todts", a recipe for making spicy chili cheese tater tots. Those who've tried the recipe have reported back that the tater tots are "very good".

During the send-off marathon "Your Death Sucks" in which Draco played Super Mario Maker before the servers were shut down Draco wrapped up the viewer levels portion of the marathon by playing "one last stage", that stage of course being the original Bogtor Todt making it the last official level played on Super Mario Maker for the show.